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This paper addresses the debate over aggressive tax‐planning models and analyzes the role of tax consultants. It focuses on the dynamic interaction between innovation and imitation of aggressive tax‐planning products and governmental tax regulation, and it highlights the importance of the length of regulatory lag in comparison with the time it takes the tax‐consulting industry to imitate newly innovated tax‐avoidance products. It reveals an alignment of interests between highly innovative tax‐consulting firms and the governmental tax legislator/regulator. The conclusions are also relevant for the policy debate on mandatory disclosure rules about aggressive tax‐planning models.  相似文献   
[目的]粮食安全的根本是在耕地,关键在于耕地质量。目前新增耕地主要源于土地开发项目、城乡建设用地增减挂钩土地复垦项目等,这些新增耕地需要对其开展耕地质量等别评定工作,了解新增耕地的质量状况,分析其空间特征,这对落实国家耕地保护制度、开展农村土地整治工作等具有重要作用。[方法]文章以南方典型丘陵区域——江西省宜春市作为研究区域,在新增耕地质量评价的基础上,运用地统计学、景观生态学、Arcgis空间分析技术和典型相关分析方法,研究宜春市新增耕地质量的空间特征,掌握耕地质量等别的分布规律,了解耕地质量的影响因素,为制定合理的耕地资源利用与保护政策提供依据。[结果](1)Moran′s I值结果表明宜春市2014年新增耕地利用质量在空间分布上的空间自相关性最强,而耕地自然质量空间自相关性最弱。(2)景观破碎度指数结果表明优、高等别的新增耕地质量破碎度大于中、低等别的; 多样性指数结果表明新增耕地质量多样性指数比较大; 优势度指数结果表明新增耕地质量等别优势度指数比较小,与多样性指数结果相呼应; 均匀度指数结果表明,新增耕地质量等别均匀度指数相差不大,新增耕地质量等别比较均匀。(3)质心结果表明2013—2014年间宜春市新增耕地质量的格局整体上是向西南方向变化。[结论]宜春市新增耕地质量不高; 新增耕地的利用水平差异性较小,自然本底状况差异较大; 新增耕地质量等别类型多,各质量等别类型耕地均有增加,耕地质量参差不齐,较高等地的新增耕地相对低等地而言更破碎化; 新增耕地的开发格局向着西南方向移动; 该研究为南方丘陵区的新增耕地保护提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   
Haze pollution has become a new threat to China's sustainable development, but it may be that local government behaviour can play an important role in the prevention and control of pollutants. A dynamic spatial autoregressive (SAR) model is used to study the relationship between local government competition and haze pollution. To further explore the indirect impact of factor market distortion on haze pollution and control potential endogeneity problems, a newly developed intermediary effect model that incorporates the characteristics of the generalized method of moments (GMM) is utilized to explore how factor market distortion indirectly affects haze pollution. The research results show that regional haze pollution in China is characterized by significant spatial correlation, and local government competition has a positive impact on haze pollution; that is, local government competition exacerbates haze pollution. In general, local government competition not only directly leads to an increase in haze pollution but also further intensifies it by distorting the local factor market, and the intermediary role of factor market distortion is approximately 7.04%. The results of the regional inspection found that competition among local governments in the eastern region did not lead to haze pollution, and distortion of the factor market did not exist as an intermediary effect. However, both direct and intermediary effects are significant in the central and western regions. Therefore, an official performance appraisal system that includes ecological constraints should be established to guide the benign transformation of local government competition, and an environmental management mechanism must be developed for joint prevention and control to reduce haze pollution. In addition, the free flow of factors and marketization are equally important.  相似文献   
我国省域农业隐含碳排放及其驱动因素时空动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]我国区域农业发展模式由于气候、环境的不同存在较大的差异,而目前针对农业隐含碳的时空动态研究较为缺乏,导致对于区域减排目标的设定缺乏全面的考虑,无法实现农业碳减排的效率性和公平性。因此,有必要分析农业隐含碳排放在不同省域的特征并分析其驱动因素,为制定体现地区间公平性且有效率的碳减排政策提供依据。[方法]文章利用2002年、2007年和2012年3年的投入产出表估算我国各省(市、区)农业隐含碳排放量,根据Kaya恒等关系将其分解为经济规模、经济结构、一般农业技术进步和低碳农业技术进步4类影响因素,并利用LMDI分解分析法对这4类影响因素的驱动力进行了分析。[结果]2002—2012年我国大部分地区农业隐含碳排放量呈上升趋势,空间上呈现从西到东、从南到北逐渐增加的分布规律,经济规模效应在各省份均呈正向驱动,且在经济发展较为迅速、经济增长后劲较强的地区驱动效应逐渐增强;经济结构效应在大部分省份呈负向驱动,且在重型工业的聚集区域负向效应逐渐增强;一般农业技术因素正向驱动区域逐渐扩散,且在农业大省正向驱动效应逐渐增强;低碳农业技术进步因素在东部发达地区负向的驱动效应较强,在西部驱动效应较弱。[结论]在未来的农业减排政策制定过程中,需要充分考虑不同地区的经济发展、产业结构、农业生产等特点。  相似文献   
苏南乡村地区一直是中国乡村建设的先行区域,特殊的纵横交错的水网结构构成了一个错综复杂的系统,呈现出其他地区不具有的复杂性和生态特殊性。随着城镇的扩张,乡村的发展建设使其水网空间的平衡发展面临极大的挑战。传统单一静态的规划方法逐渐显示出无法适应经济、社会等发展要求的缺陷。苏南乡村地区以水为核心,从水生态系统服务供需关系的视角下探究水网乡村的适应性规划策略更加适应当前的乡村现状和需求。以传统水网乡村空间形态转译为基础,建立水生态系统供需服务评估体系,在评估水生态系统服务供需能力的基础上,分析供需分异模式及供需矛盾。从构建乡村水域空间生态格局、乡村水域空间功能分区规划,以及乡村水域空间多情景预判3个方面,提出苏南水网乡村的适应性规划策略,并为水网乡村的生态实践提出新思路。  相似文献   
以江西省宜春市"月都花溪谷"乡村森林旅游项目规划中哲学元素的应用为个案,结合哲学理论进行分析。结果表明:乡村森林旅游项目规划应有哲学的自觉,根据项目所在地自然和人文资源禀赋,因地制宜地吸收哲学元素,从而打破乡村森林旅游项目同质化和见物不见人的困局,赋予乡村森林旅游项目以特色和灵魂。因此,提出突破森林旅游项目规划中一元化的经济思维定势、以哲学思维唤起人学意义、因地制宜激发内生式哲学文化活性等启发性建议。  相似文献   
从航班计划优化的不同时间阶段分析,可以将航班计划优化分为航班计划静态编排优化、基于航班延误预测的航班计划动态反馈优化和基于机场协同决策(A-CDM)的航班计划动态调整角度三类;进而从航班时刻、机型指派、航班频率等编制环节分析了航班计划静态编排优化;随后利用延误波及预测与数据挖掘预测的优化方法分析了基于航班延误预测的航班计划动态反馈优化的相关研究。最后,根据航班计划优化复杂性分析,给出了航班计划优化的发展趋势和未来研究方向。  相似文献   
[目的]后危机时代是目前我国各地区经济发展面对的一个巨大变量,也是近年来区域经济发展关注的焦点话题。[方法]选取福建省县域经济的5项指标作为解释变量,利用探索性空间分析方法和地理加权回归模型,对2010—2015年福建省县域经济格局及其驱动机制进行探讨。[结果](1)总体上看,福建省经济空间格局变化较小,呈现东南高西北低的态势,重心向福州、莆田地区转移,省内发展均质化与极化现象并存;(2)产业结构调整与城镇化水平提升主导省内经济重心在东西方向上的移动,两者的空间格局具有相似性;(3)创新投入与金融零售业的变化主导了经济重心南北向的移动,其与各市县的经济基础和产业调整政策密切相关。[结论]在后危机时代福建省需根据市场特征推进区域协同发展、实现产业结构调整、促进区域共同富裕; 地方经济政策应与自身经济发展特征相适应,实现区域经济可持续发展。  相似文献   
The increasing size of chemical plants and rapid growth in residential areas has led to many incompatible land-use scenarios in the last 100 years. In this context, the authors assume that assessment and planning have their significant role in preventing the juxtaposition of hazards and population, and that, in this field, there is a broad recognition of the need for legislative and policy consistency across the European Union. The paper presents a comparative case study in which the Romanian land-use planning (LUP) criteria and the risk-based quantitative approach for a chemical plant are applied. Accident scenarios involving chlorine and propylene arecomprehensively analyzed using consequence and risk modelling software and GIS technique for the territorial compatibility assessment. The objective of the paper is threefold. Firstly, it presents an overview about current risk analysis methods; secondly, the authors advance an understanding of risk assessment practices used in several countries for the prevention and control of major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances and, also, for LUP. Thirdly, a method targeting an improved risk assessment framework for LUP, encompassing Romania’s determinants is outlined. The results obtained using the two different approaches indicate significant differences regarding the possibly affected areas and territorial compatibility. Furthermore, based on the findings, the paper ends with a set of recommendations that can be transformed into the foundation for future enactments of new safety standards that cover risk assessment for LUP. Consequently, the present study aims to become a frame of reference for decision-makers towards more sustainable and updated risk assessment practices in the field of industrial activities.  相似文献   
The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) is a virtual certainty. Much less certain is the timing of their introduction and how rapid the transition to full automation will be. Various governments are already working to facilitate this shift by, for example, amending and elaborating regulations to support the introduction of AVs, or supporting tests in different urban environments. Meanwhile, urban and regional planners and decision-makers are still grappling with the uncertainties and differing opinions about the possible impacts of AVs on land-use changes and location choices, particularly in relation to the space available for vehicles, both moving (i.e. roadspace) and stationary (i.e. parking space). This paper uses a backcasting approach to identify critical policy decisions and measures to be taken before the implementation of AVs, so as to achieve a more desirable, attractive and high-quality city. These policy measures primarily relate to the reuse and reallocation of parking and roadspace. Two strategic decisions are found to be essential to meet the major goals of sustainable and liveable cities: a clear commitment to a shared mobility and the delimitation of Core Attractive Mixed-use Spaces (CAMS). In order to deliver these desired urbanisation patterns, a set of three policy paths, involving eight policy packages, is proposed for the next 20–30 years. This article provides urban and regional decision-makers with examples of interventions that can be implemented beyond and during the implementation of AVs.  相似文献   
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